Sunday, September 9, 2007

Orange menu with a steel stroke - Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

Orange menu with a steel stroke - Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

Learn to create a stylish orange menu with a steel stroke.

Let’s start with creating a new document, with 350px by 300px with a black background.

Using a Rounded Rectangle tool create a rounded rectangle as on the picture:

And apply to it the following effects:

Now, with a Rectangular Marquee tool create a selection as it is shown:

After than create a new layer, and fill it with this gradient from up to down:

Our first button is ready:

Now, duplicate this layer as many times as amount of buttons you’re going to have:

Name each of this buttons:

How to show that one of our button is active? Easy, just marquee one of them, for example Products. Create a new layer, and fill it with this gradient:

After that, take a Pencil Tool with a diameter 1 px and draw inside two lines, with a #ffb45a color at the top of the button, and with a #ec8100 at the bottom. That is how our menu must look like:

Empty space in the top of the menu can be used as a place for your logotype, like this for example:

Let’s add a little highlight to it. Marquee the top of the menu:

Create a new layer, and fill it wit a gradient from white to transparency, like this. Press Ctrl+D to deselect. Our menu is done:

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