Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Google Adsense - Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

Google Adsense settings

Go to your Google AdSense Account. Use these settings. You can choose other colors but the border and the background must be the same.

250x250 Square

Create a new photoshop image

Open Photoshop. And make the new file 30 pixels bigger than the Adsense ad.

use the lasso tool

Make something like this with the lasso tool.

Set Inner Glow

Fill the background

Use these setting. Fill the background with the background color of your website where you put your Google Adsense ad.

Insert a table

Open Dreamweaver. Insert a table. Use the picture you just made for the table background. Paste the Google Adsense code.

Center and Middle Alignment

Use Center and Middle for the alignment of the table.


Teste said...

Seems a good idea. However i have some doubts that Google will allow this. You may get your account suspended...Not sure but i guess this kind of change at adsense isn't allowed....

Patrick Burt said...

I think Google will allow it. It's not any trickery is involved. It would be no different then making the background color of the ad a different color.